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Writer's pictureJohn Savage, Author, CFHC

In Times of Crisis: Where's Your Supply Line?

Written By John Savage

In today's current world climate of social and political unrest, misinformation, disinformation, and economic volatility like this generation has ever seen, it is even more important for businesses, families, and individuals ti band together in their community to create an ecosystem of hope and opportunity. When times are tough, many people in this country do not have a supply line to act as a safety net to prevent them from sliding further down the socioeconomic scales of hopelessness.

This is a where a supply line comes in. A supply line from individual to family to busy can vary greatly. Below I provide some examples which can be summed up to prepping for tough times, in case your plan A or B for solving a problem or finding a solution does not work out as planned.

Business Pipeline - This can look like you having a backup partner to help you find resources or provide services you would normally provide to your customers in case your power goes out, a product deliver is canceled or as we saw during the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic, there were a lot of delayed shipments and orders from toilet paper to microchips. This is why it is so important to build your contacts and network of vendors, suppliers, etc. when you're in business for yourself. No one is an island to themselves and having people you can depend on and trust to help catch you during times like these is vitally important.

What seems like just cooking oil today can become in a matter of hours, one of the most valuable commodities on the planet tomorrow. So never discount what is before you or the people in your social sphere. You never know when you may need them most. There are many businesses owners who can bypass red tape and road blocks at a time when you may need their help the most. So, stay connected, meet with people you have not met with in a while and let them know what you are doing, and that you would like to stay in contact in case you are in need of their services.

Community - many times we go about our daily lives, looking at our phones, sticking to our immediate group of kindred spirits which is all and good, but there are times when finances can be challenges and you don't know what to do. This is where reaching out, being a little more connected in the community around you, and having a network you can reach out to can be one of the most valuable tools accessible to keeping you moving forward, safe, and cared for.

Based on my experience as not only an Insurance Agent but also a Financial Counselor working with employees across the United States, I have been privy to hear a lot of stories of what people are going through when they have no family or they are going through a nasty divorce, and their spouse kept them in the dark about the finances until they were one day left trying to figure it out on their own. This is where solid network to help walk them through many of life's challenges comes in and can serve as the greatest asset to either prevent or overcome major financial challenges and setbacks, including the loss of a job, a failed business venture, or the loss of a loved one.

Life has many challenges and even though we can not be prepared for everything that may come our way, we can plan for the best and prepare for the worst by having certain contingencies in place as we learn, build, and grow along this journey called life. Below are a few things to consider and take an inventory of on your own time. It is important to reflect throughout each year on what we have accomplished, where we are at in the moment, and where we are headed?

  1. Remember, relationships are important and without people in our life, we have no business, no family, no friends, no customers, etc.

  2. Having an Estate Plan that is right for you to protect you and your family in case you are incapacitated, out of the country, or have reservations about certain businesses dealings and how to best protect your assets.

  3. Networking and attending local Chamber of Commerce meetings. This is a great place to build new relationships organically over time and to let your presence known in the community if your are a Solopreneur or Business Owner.

  4. Periodically discuss contingency plans with your local church, friends, and family in case you need help or the economy is in complete disarray or if you are just having a really tough time financially.

  5. Making sure you are Paying Yourself First and putting a portion of your paychecks or business income into an emergency savings.

  6. Doing Annual Insurance Reviews to make sure you have the proper amount and the right insurance coverage to protect your home, auto, life, business income, etc.

  7. Check in with your Financial Advisor or Insurance each year to do an honest assessment of your assets to go over any life events and to see if any changes or adjustments to your current financial goals need to be made. Don't leave these things to chance.

If you have questions about this article or would like to learn more about Unwind Financial or have questions about Insurance Coverage or other services, please send an email to

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